1 Stop Services
LKG Recycling Trading provide a 1 stop services from transporting new heavy machinery, chiller to demental & demolition work. We provide value added service by providing Open Top Container / 4 x 4 / 5 x 5 / for bulk & industries waste or scrap item at your permises .
Call us now @ 9231 6561 for more informations.

Disposal Service
- Impromptu Service
- Contract
- Bulky waste

Metal Scrap Dealer
- Ferrous metal/non-ferrous metal
- Cables/Wires
- Machinery
- Generator
- Forklift

Electronic Waste
- Electronic component
- Surpluses/Rejects
- Letter of destruction

- Provide transport for all material
- Transport for heavy industries vehicles

- Heavy Industrial Movers
- Remove and replace of heavy industrial items (example: Removing of old chiller and help to replace with new chiller)
Contact Us now
to avoid disappointment.